It's My March<3

HI. It's March alr! Happy holidays my friends! :) Design peeps, better work hard for the projects and tests. Bwahahaha. Don't fret, holidays are around the corner for you peeps toooo. :) Aiyeee, can you believe it, it's alr the 3rd month of 2007?? 3rd. Why time passes so fast, as usual. Hope the O Levellers are happy w their postings. And if you're appealing all the best too!

(Chomping a sweet sweet Fuji pink-reddish apple at this hour. ^^)

Recently have been drowning in excessive rock, indulging into the constant drummings and strummings. It's awesome to sing along to it when you're so totally feeling for the song. You know the passion for rock! I loveeeeeee that feeling deeeeeeep down inside so very much, makes you feel a lot better when you're moodless or down. Music especially rock (except heavymetal) have always been there for me. ALWAYS(: And I'm think turning deaf too. My Ipods' volume is tuned up to 90% I get stares on the buses, by elders especially for blaring it tooo loud. You can't blame me for being so deaf. Watch out, I M I G H T.. gorge your eyeballs out. ^^ Might... 'Cause it bothers me. Leave me alone you faggots!!!! EfFfFfFFF(:(:(:(:

Today's a happy day. It was packed w stuff, band, pool and dinner w me folks. I found a new past-time, pool-ing! I enjoy playing pool, especially w the band friends. So I think every Wednesdays after band would be past-time activies :) Thimk it might be bowling next Wednesday. Woopie! Thank you mommy for feeding your babies with YB&J'S ICECREAMY! *YAYNESS!(:(:(:* Gooeychocolateyfudgemeltinginyourmouth. Hungry mommy!!! (BEGS FOR MORE!!!) Je aimes chocolats!!!!

I have been contemplating really hard lately. Both past and present. It's amazing how much time I can find to think about stuff that really bothers me. And how much of these precious time can be spent on something more meaningful. It's strange, I'm either too buzy or too free, never somewhere in the middle.. How time fools us sometimes.
(Ponders. How can anyone live w the troubles everyday, having to smile like everything's okay when it's not? How long can you live in trouble? They said forever.. How long can we actually hold on..? As always forever.. Why hold on even though you know it's never....? )

Ignore. Told yarr, I'm contemplating life.
Peekture talk.

"Chilling out w my poopies!"
"Mugging scene One???!: At TK's place during CNY! Study week behhhh."
"Mugging scene Two: Strawberry Nanny's love on my exbook @ CP lib."

"Mugging scene Threes: at the airport w k, din and minxing<3!"
"Mugging scene Four: mother's bedsheet are cute! cherrylove!"
"Cam whore session! We never fail to love~ SEE HER?"

"This was seriously a mugging scene: classic no.5, them not studying! Hahaha, TP lib before stats paper!"

"Took neos w the class girls!"
"Nad, Hanna-Su &Jol."
"You're my hunny bun sugar plum, pumpiyumpiyumkin!"
"So, wna pick, dig and lick?"
"Your's truely.."

I hope you are really okay....
toletyoupouryourheartout, likeyoualwayswantedtotellyoueverythingit'sokay...

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